The Accompanist.jpg
The Accompanists...and Friends: An Autobiography of Andre Benoist
American Vln (768x1024).jpg
The American Violin
from $300.00
Antonietta (768x1024).jpg
Strad Life (768x1024).jpg
Antonio Stradivari: His Life & Work (1644-1737)
Hill Strad 3 used .jpg
Antonio Stradivari: His Life & Work (1644-1737)
Auditioner's Handbook.jpg
The Auditioner's Handbook
Commonsense (768x1024).jpg
Commonsense Instrument Care
Composers Notes (768x1024).jpg
Composers' Notes: Financial Triumphs and Disasters of the Great Composers
Culinary Harmony.jpg
Culniary Harmony: Favorite Recipes of the World's Finest Classical Musicians
David Popper .jpg
David Popper
Death Maiden (768x1024).jpg
Death and the Maiden
Death Trans (768x1024).jpg
Death and Transfiguration: A Daniel Jacobus Mystery
Dictionary of Composers.jpg
The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music
Dictionary Contemp Vln (768x1024).jpg
Dictionary of Contemporary Violin and Bowmakers
The Fiddler's Son.jpg
The Fiddler's Son
Great Master of the Violin.jpg
Great Masters of the Violin: From Corelli and Vivaldi to Stern, Zukerman and Perlman
How Muscles (768x1024).jpg
How Muscles Learn: Teaching the Violin with the Body in Mind
How To Study Vln Carrodus .jpg
How To Study the Violin
Isaac Stern 79 years.jpg
Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years
Know vln makers (768x1024).jpg
Known Violin Makers, Seventh Edition
Leonard Rose .jpg
Leonard Rose: America's Golden Age and Its First Cellist - by Steven Honigberg
The Lost String Qtet front.jpg
The Lost String Quartet
Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$9.95
Maud Powell .jpg
Maud Powell: Pioneer American Violinist
Nurtured (768x1024).jpg
Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education
Paganiniana 1945.jpg
People of Note.jpg
People Of Note - A Score of Symphony Faces
Galamian no cover (960x1280).jpg
Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching - no dust jacket
Quattrocento (768x1024).jpg
Quattrocento: A Novel
Since the Days of Paganini.jpg
Since the Days of Paganini
The Soloist (960x1280).jpg
The Soloist: A Lost Dream, an Unlikely Friendship, and the Redemptive Power of Music
The Soloist (768x1024).jpg
The Soloist
Strad Genius (768x1024).jpg
Stradivari's Genius: Five Violins, One Cello, and Three Centuries of Enduring Perfection
Strads Singing Vln.jpg
Stradivari's Singing Violin
String Inst Collection DC.jpg
The Stringed Instrument Collection in Washington, D.C.
Szigeti On the Vln.jpg
Szigeti on the Violin - by Joseph Szigeti (Paperback)
Szigeti hardcover.jpg
Szigeti on the Violin - by Joseph Szigeti (Hardcopy)
Symphony Whales (768x1024).jpg
A Symphony of Whales
Tartini: His Life and Times
Teaching Music (768x1024).jpg
Teaching Music through Performance in Orchestra
Technique Vln (960x1280).jpg
The Technique of the Violin, Together With the Art of Musical Interpretation
Tipbook Cello (768x1024).jpg
Tipbook Cello: The Complete Guide
To Learn With Love.jpg
To Learn With Love: A Companion For Suzuki Parents
Leopold Mozart Treatise (2).jpg
A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Violin Playing, Second Edition - by Leopold Mozart
The Violin (768x1024).jpg
The Violin: A Social History of the World's Most Versatile Instrument
Violin and 'Cello Building and Repairing.jpg
Violin and "Cello Building and Repairing
Violin Dreams .jpg
Violin Dreams
Vln Makers Guarneri Family.jpg
The Violin Makers of the Guarneri Family
Vln Owners Manuel (768x1024).jpg
Violin Owner's Manual: The Complete Guide
Violin Playing.jpg
Violin Playing
Auer Vln Playing 1921.jpg
Violin Playing As I Teach It
Violin Tone-Peculiarities.jpg
Violin Tone-Peculiarities
Visiting Cards of Vlnists .jpg
Visiting Cards of Violinists: 25 Celebrated Fiddlers from Paganini to Menuhim from the Collection of F. S. Schang, (with comment by him)
Violin Virtuosos .jpg
Violin Virtuosos
from $24.00
The Way They Play Bk 4.jpg
The Way They Play Book 4
The Way They Play Bk 7.jpg
The Way They Play Book 7
The Way They Play Bk 9.jpg
The Way They Play Book 9
The Way They Play Bk 10.jpg
The Way They Play Book 10
The Way They Play Bk 11.jpg
The Way They Play Book 11
The Way They Play Bk 12.jpg
The Way They Play Book 12
The Way They Play Bk 13.jpg
The Way They Play Book 13
Why Classical Music.jpg
Why Classical Music Still Matters